Looking Back and Looking Forward
My novel As They Are will take you back to Turkey. Look for it April 12, 2022, or get on the pre-order list now. I miss Turkey. My plans to go back, like the plans of so many others, have been interrupted by politics and the advent of the coronavirus. I miss the sights, the sounds, the people, the smells, the music. I envy those I know who have made the trip despite it all, but my immune system will not allow me to travel under the present circumstances. Now that my second novel in A Turkish Trilogy, As They Are, will be coming out April 2022, published by Black Rose Writing, I yearn for Turkey every day. I especially yearn for Turkish food that I do not have to cook myself. As They Are – Coming April 12, 2022FIND OUT MORE HERE Generous and ingenious, Fatma...
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