Looking Back and Looking Forward

Looking Back and Looking Forward

My novel As They Are will take you back to Turkey. Look for it April 12, 2022, or get on the pre-order list now. I miss Turkey. My plans to go back, like the plans of so many others, have been interrupted by politics and the advent of the coronavirus. I miss the sights, the sounds, the people, the smells, the music. I envy those I know who have made the trip despite it all, but my immune system will not allow me to travel under the present circumstances. Now that my second novel in A Turkish Trilogy, As They Are, will be coming out April 2022, published by Black Rose Writing, I yearn for Turkey every day. I especially yearn for Turkish food that I do not have to cook myself. As They Are – Coming April 12, 2022FIND OUT MORE HERE Generous and ingenious, Fatma...

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