Time to Stretch: My New Beginning Rank
Some folks may be wondering how my retirement schedule is going. After hearing so many stories, positive and negative, regarding retirement, and knowing people who promptly returned to work, I also wondered what it might be like for me. The key for me was to plan. This is not always so easy, but it has worked well for me. I cut back. Early on, I went from five days a week to four. After a few years, I went from four days to three, and I stayed there for several years. The next step was not to take any new patients. This was the most difficult, and I did take on a couple of people because I liked them and was curious about them. But because I worked psychoanalytically, beginners usually started at two to three times a week. This can result in many working hours....
A Few of the Wonderful Places Writing Takes Me: My Upcoming Book Talk with Anna Ornstein in Boston
This past Monday, Martin Luther King Day, my publicist, Carolyn Flynn, initiated a dialogue for me with Dr. Anna Ornstein. The connection came about through a conversation that Carolyn had with my publisher, IP Books, which suggested that I think about presenting and reading with Anna. She was not completely unknown to me through psychoanalysis and her publications on trauma, but I had no idea of the amount she has written. And I did not know about her book, My Mother’s Eyes: Holocaust Memories of a Young Girl, a collection of stories she read to her children over many years of Passover seders. Because I have read so much Holocaust writing, I was certain that I had read her book, but when I went to my Holocaust shelves, the book was not there. IP Books kindly...
DACA Dad: What If…?
My father did not become a citizen until he was an adult. He fled the Russian pogroms to create a better life. Gratitude can shape some pretty good citizens. My sister is now an activist and works for the rights of immigrants. I am so proud of her. I did most of my activism during the 1960s and 1970s, although I do sign many petitions and support special candidates and causes. We were on the phone chatting last week, when she said something that really made me sad. When I researched our father’s papers for Myopia, a memoir, it was the first time I realized that my father did not become a citizen until he was an adult. What the reason could be for this is only speculation. I am sure that they were too busy surviving to consider this issue. They had no money and...
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