Whatever are we doing?

Whatever are we doing?

As humans, we have a long history of separation. It’s time to make peace with the price we pay for the killing fields. My memoir has already been written. Myopia, a memoir was published in 2017 by IP Books (International Psychoanalytic Books). When folks ask me if I will write another one, I look at them aghast. If it took me thirty years to write this one, what sacrifices would another one require? I cannot imagine. In any event, my thoughts on that particular topic have been exhausted. But as I reflect on the changes occurring in this country today, and then ponder the history of the world, I find myself devoting more blogs to the questions that arise for me. I am first generation here. My father fled from some of the worst pogroms in Russia. The family who...

On the ‘elevator pitch’: My travels to the Jewish Book Council

On the ‘elevator pitch’: My travels to the Jewish Book Council

A verbal contract for travel was noted in my marriage agreement. My husband has kept that spoken clause without fail. We have been to many places in the world, but my husband always said that I only wanted to travel to places where I needed a passport. He was delighted when we received a passport traveling through the national parks. Now that I have books to promote, I am traveling more in the United States than I even did as a child. In my book travels, I have met many lovely people. Some of them I am able to now call friends. This is a benefit of travel anywhere, but when so many folks visit Santa Fe on holiday, I have more opportunity to see them again. Crossing the ocean is a bit more of a challenge. And I am reducing (slowly) my challenge as a shy and...

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